Prof. Baba Barus, was born in Brastagi, Karo Regency on January 1, 1961. Graduated from Elementary School No. 1 Berastagi in 1973, Junior High School 1 Berastagi in 1977 and Senior High School 3 Medan City in 1981. Furthermore, Prof. Baba Barus took and completed his undergraduate education at the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Bogor Agricultural University, graduating in 1985, Diploma at ITC Enschede, The Netherlands in 1988, Masters at ITC Enschede, The Netherlands, graduating in 1993, and Doctoral at the University of Portsmouth, UK, graduating in 2003.
Prof. Baba Barus is a civil servant lecturer at the Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB since 1987. Several positions that have been held by Prof. Prof. Baba Barus is:
- 2008 – 2011 as Head of Study Program in Disaster Mitigation Postgraduate Program, DITSL, Postgraduate, IPB
- 2011–2014 as Member of Senate Vice Lecturer not Professor at DITSL, Faperta, IPB
- 2013–2017 and 2018–2023 as Head of Department at DITSL, Faperta, IPB
- 2024–2028 as Head of Crestpent IPB
In order to support education and teaching activities, Prof. Baba Barus has obtained 5 Copyrights and Published several books including Utilization of Remote Sensing Technology and Geospatial Information in Detecting Rice Damage Supporting Food Security, Land Damage from a Theoretical Perspective, and Agriculture in the Digital Era 4.0 in the book IPB 4.0 – Thoughts, Ideas and Implementation.
Prof. Baba Barus is also listed as a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES), Regional and Rural Development Planning (JP2WD); in addition to being active as a reviewer in several journals, such as Jurnal Inderaja, Globe, Eco Cities, Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan, Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan.