Developing Local Sustainability Index (LSI) at Village Level in Jambi Province

Developing Local Sustainability Index (LSI) at Village Level in Jambi Province


Departemen Geografi, Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai anggota baru dari Rural Research and Planning Group (RRPG) menjadi tuan rumah dalam penyelenggaraan konferensi internasional “The 8th Rural Research and Planning Group International Conference” pada tanggal 16-17 Mei 2017. Konferensi ini dilaksanakan di UC UGM, Yogyakarta dengan tema “Innovations of Rural Development for Implementing Sustainable Development Goals”. Pusat Pengkajian Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah (P4W) ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan konferensi internasional tersebut dengan memaparkan paper hasil penelitian terkait sub-tema Sustainable Rural Development dengan judul “Developing Local Sustainability Index (LSI) at Village Level in Jambi Province”. Paper tersebut ditulis oleh Dr. Andrea Emma Pravitasari, Dr. Ernan Rustiadi, Dr. Jane Singer dan Lutfia Nursetya Fuadina, S.P. Paper ini telah diterbitkan dalam Proceeding the 8th Rural Research and Planning Group International Conference: “Innovations of Rural Development for Implementing Sustainable Development Goals” yang diterbitkan secara khusus oleh Universitas Gadjah Mada yang berkolaborasi dengan Departemen Geografi, Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Berikut merupakan abstrak paper.


Sustainability is a global issue and broad disipline that giving us insights into the most aspects of the human world from economic, social and environmental sciences. The enactment of national laws on village autonomy in Indonesia requires the development of indicators of sustainable development at the village level. These indicators can be used as measuring tools and guidance to local authorities policy making as well as development programs. The aim of this research is to develop indicators to promote sustainable development at village level in Jambi Province, called Local Sustainability Index (LSI) using Factor Analysis (FA) with considering local-scale spatial interdependency by employing Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) statistics. In this research, LSI was developed based on 30 variables (indicators) which divided into 3 major dimensions: economy, social, and environment. Based on LISA results, it was found that local sustainability performance of the small-scale spatial units (villages) was strongly influenced by the sustainability conditions in its surrounding areas. Developing LSI is a new approach to evaluate local sustainability degree, in order to increase people’sawareness about the importance of sustainable development at the local level. Based on this research, we can concluded that LSI is a very effective method to indicate the locations of the hotspot issues of sustainable development, and it can be used as an effective tool for spatial-based decision-making process.

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