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Dosen Mengabdi IPB:
Tingkatkan Produktivitas dan Kualitas Kopi
Melalui Inovasi Teknologi Pascapanen
di Kawasan Puncak
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Our Background and History
We are a research institution affiliated under the LRI Social, Economic and Regional Development (PSEK) IPB University which focuses on the areas of regional sciences, regional planning, regional development and regional information systems, with the main competency of tropical island regional systems, developing countries, agriculture and rural areas.
Our Vision, Mission and Goals
Our vision is to become a leading research center in the fields of regional sciences, regional planning, regional development and regional information systems, with core competencies in tropical island regional systems, developing countries, agriculture and rural areas, which is a national and international reference.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Baba Barus, M.Sc.
(Head of CrestPent)


Division and Program

In P4W there are three divisions and one program, namely Division of Economic and Spatial Planning (Ektarwil), Division of Regional Information Systems (Siwil), Division of Community Development (Comdev) and Program of Geospatial Information and Technologies for the Integrative and Intelligent Agriculture (GITIIA)
Ektarwil Division
The Division of Economics and Spatial Planning is engaged in economic and regional development studies as well as spatial and regional planning policies.
The Division of Economics and Spatial Planning is engaged in economic and regional development studies as well as spatial and regional planning policies.
Siwil Division
Regional Information System is the youngest division in P4W. However, because its researchers are experienced in their fields, various collaborative studies have been conducted.
Regional Information System is the youngest division in P4W. However, because its researchers are experienced in their fields, various collaborative studies have been conducted.
Division of Comdev
Community and Development Division is one of three programs within P4W that was formed along with the formation of P4W in 2005.
Community and Development Division is one of three programs within P4W that was formed along with the formation of P4W in 2005.
GITIIA Program
Research orientation unit promoting earth observation and proximal sensors in smart agriculture, especially for sustainable management of cereal crops and plantations.
Research orientation unit promoting earth observation and proximal sensors in smart agriculture, especially for sustainable management of cereal crops and plantations.

Our Latest Activities

Get to know us more closely from various activities such as research, training, mentoring that we carry out in various regions

Assistance for North Morowali Fishery Households

The fisheries sector in the North Morowali Regency area is one of the potential sectors with the main contribution of captured and cultivated fishery products. PT. PLN together with IPB University see the potential for joint collaboration to apply science and technology to make an effective contribution to the community fishing industry. Based on this potential, PLN together with IPB University are present in Morowali as a form of direct implementation of the Fishery Household Business Assistance Program in the Development of Modern Smoked Fish Processing Technology in North Morowali and as a form of social responsibility program by PT. PLN.

Our Awesome Team


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Kampus IPB Baranang Siang. Pajajaran Road, Bogor 16127, West Java, Indonesia
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(+62) 812-8384-9000