The Dynamics of Rice-Field Conversion in the Surroundings Cipali Toll-Roads of Subang Regency

The Dynamics of Rice-Field Conversion in the Surroundings Cipali Toll-Roads of Subang Regency

Author: A R Fiqriyati, Dyah R Panuju, Setyardi P Mulya

Abstract: The increasing need of land for building roads, settlements, and other facilities leads to the changes of agricultural land to other uses. Uncontrolled changes in rice fields may negatively impact economic, social, and environmental aspects. This study aims (1) to analyze the dynamics of land-use change for lowland rice in the surrounding Cipali toll road of Subang Regency; (2) to delineate rice-fields being converted to other uses in the vicinity of the Cipali toll road; (3) to assess the impact of rice-fields conversion to rice production; and (4) to understand monitoring system for rice field conversion being implemented in Subang Regency. This research employed random forest classifier, post-classification change analysis, and analytic hierarchy process. Three Landsat imageries were used to identify change processes, span between 2000 and 2020. Random forest classifiers generated accuracy at 99%, 96%, and 96% in 2000, 2010, and 2020. The results showed a decrease of rice fields in the surrounding toll roads by 560.36 hectares from 2000 to 2010, followed by an increase in the next decade by 98.79 hectares. Revitalization of regional farm fields appears to effectively sustain production areas, albeit conversion occurred in the surrounding toll roads. Generally, rice field conversions were controlled following the regulation that was enacted to sustain land for crop production.

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