Jurnal | 17 April 2016 Identification of Agricultural Drought Extent Based on Vegetation Health Indices of Landsat Data: Case of Subang and Karawang, Indonesia Procedia Environmental Sciences Vol 33. 2016, pp 14–20 Rizqi I.Sholihah, Bambang H.Trisasongko, Diar Shiddiq, La Ode S.Iman, Selamet Kusdaryanto, Manijo, Dyah R.Panuju Agricultural drought monitoring is paramount in order toRead more
Jurnal | 17 October 2015 Constraints of VSWI in the Estimation of Drought Extent Using Landsat Data: A Case of Tuban, Indonesia The Annals of Regional Science Volume 24 (2015), pp 25–28 Bambang H.Trisasongko, Dyah R.Panuju, Diar Shiddiq, La Ode S.Iman, Rizqi I. Sholihah, Selamet Kusdaryanto Existing drought-impacted data are generally rootedRead more