The Effectivity of Mangrove Economic Valuation in Supporting Mangrove Conservation Policy in Sebuku Island, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan Province
Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) berkolaborasi dengan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Sam Ratulangi menyelenggarakan konferensi internasional “The 6th Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) International Institute” pada tanggal 17-18 Juli 2017. Konferensi ini dilaksanakan di Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado, Sulawesi Utara dengan tema “Maritime Infrastructure and Regional Development”. Pusat Pengkajian Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah (P4W) ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan konferensi internasional tersebut dengan memaparkan paper hasil penelitian dengan judul “New Approach on Sustainable Spatial Planning for Megacity Region (Case of Jabodetabekpunjur”. Paper tersebut ditulis oleh Mia Ermyanyla, S.P., M.Si.; Dr. Ir. Omo Rusdiana, M.Sc.; Prof. Dr. Ir. Cecep Kusmana, M.S. dan Nana Rusyana, S.Si. Berikut merupakan bagian dari abstrak paper.
Mangrove has important roles in keeping the sustainability of coastal and small islands ecosystems. However, the mangrove existence is increasingly threatened because of degradation and conversion to other uses, especially agriculture, fishery, and mining sectors. In the context of resource economics, the ecological economic value of mangrove can be quantified in monetary value. This research was conducted in Sebuku Island, Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan Province with the objective to: identify the types and functions of mangrove ecosystems; calculate Total Economic Value (TEV) of mangrove ecosystems; calculate the economic value of the conversion of mangrove ecosystems; and evaluate the effectivity of mangrove economic valuation in supporting mangrove conservation policy. The economic value of mangrove ecosystems was calculated by using TEV method, while the economic value of mangrove conversion was calculated by using land economic value based on sectoral Gross Domestic Product (GDP).